Monday 4 May 2015

The reason for this blog.

Following a phone call from my concerned mother I am aware now that I haven't made it perfectly clear what my reasons are for writing this blog.
The purpose is supposed to be a breath of fresh air, this blog will over time- hopefully- assure other people in my position (which is a very normal and fortunate one) that everything they are feeling is totally normal, completely. I hope to assure those who perhaps like me have moments of insecurity and huge areas of self doubt that they are not unique in that feeling.

I for so long have felt like a sore thumb in a world of seemingly 'sorted' people, mother and baby groups were horrendous, especially when you're the one who rocks up in ripped jeans and a Nirvana t-shirt, if anyone thinks working in fashion is cliquey, think again. I know which I'd choose.

As part of my journey towards adjusting to life as an ex cancer patient, I've been working on the Young Persons Panel with the amazing Trekstock, working with Trekstock has made me realise how similar people are when faced with difficult situations, when I first met the young persons panel my first thoughts were "woah, who here has actually had cancer? they all look so well and sorted" but as the day went on it dawned on me, not only had they had cancer but some of them still do, this just proved to me that no matter how people look or seem on the outside we really have absolutely no idea what is going on for people in their private lives.

So really, what I hope is that this blog will just open the door to a world that us brits especially like to hide- and hide very well, a life that is completely not perfect and full of fuck ups but covered up with very expensive make up and a Facebook full of smiling photos.

Oh, and finally, I am NOT seeking sympathy or pity, I am very grateful for my fucked up life.

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