Tuesday 5 May 2015

The power of positivity

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive; to breath, to think, to enjoy, to love."- Marcus Aurelius.

Firstly, who the hell is Marcus Aurelius. And secondly, what kind of a world does he live in? He's telling me that I need to do the following all before 10am:

Reflect in Gratitude
Set your daily intention
Pad your schedule
Listen to Music
Clean up after yourself
Do your hardest task first

I literally do the exact opposite to all of these things. EXACT.

This is how my average morning looks:

And yes, that fire engine is making a noise.

What you see here is me in complete denial of the fact that sometime during the night I've unknowingly allowed my child to get into my bed and at 6.30 am he's opening my eye lid and singing "do you wanna build a snow man?"So what I do is I wearily open my laptop and somehow with one eye load iplayer and navigate my way to cbeebies live. This buys me at least an hour, god I thank you so much for cbeebies, it truly is a gift to all parents. I admire people like my grandmother, who recently told me that she doesn't go downstairs until she is washed and dressed, and she's always been the same, even when my dad was a child, are there any parents who still do that? I've discovered that a brioche roll also buys me time before I need to go downstairs and sort real breakfast, last nights squash will do too. 

p.s, this morning he informed me that he'd got wee on my bed and when I opened his nappy a little nugget of poo fell out, then he picked it up and rolled it. 

Oh and the pj's usually stay on until about half an hour before we need to leave the house. 

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